Dr. Stephen Hughes is a Professor in the Department of Geology at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez (UPRM). He obtained BS (2009) and PhD (2014) degrees in Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University. At UPRM he teaches classes in Structural Geology, Geomorphology, and Field Geology in addition to carrying out research mostly related to tropical landslides and landscape evolution. His projects have been sponsored by groups like NSF; Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust; USGS; USDA NRCS; and NOAA. He also collaborates in landslide-focused initiatives with colleagues at continental academic institutions and incorporates students into all levels of research and outreach. One of his important recent publications is the USGS Open File Report “Map Depicting Susceptibility to Landslides Triggered by Intense Rainfall, Puerto Rico.” Hughes is the PI for the UPRM Storm-induced Landslide Impact Dynamics on Environment and Society in Puerto Rico (SLIDES-PR) initiative.